Practicum Students:      

These are the things that you need to be doing weekly:

  • Mandatory Dates: 
Friday's  starting at 9 am unti4 pm
         Sunday's 9am-5pm



  • FOCUS GROUP WORK-----This is structured to help you understand the purpose and use of testing and therapy in the outpatient world as well as for empirically supported treatment methods.  (Draft Due November 2, 2008)

  • Your diagnostics and therapy sessions.

  • Attend one group during the week and process with the clinicians.

  • Attend a session with a clinician and shadow them.  Once a week.

  • 11:30 AM  SUNDAY PATIENT WRITE UPS:   Prepare one patient a week for presentation, presentations will be 30 minutes per presentation, all will present (Outpatient Round Table).  Can present on the same person if you need to continue it.

  • 11:30 AM  Wednesday DSM IV WRITE UPS:  Weekly, go through the DSM TR and present on a diagnosis and how you decide from presenting symptoms what a diagnosis is.

  • Chart reviews of patients in the practice that may need additional therapies and possible diagnostic.

  • Data and write up hours can be on premises’ if you have a lap top.  At home if you do not.
For additional hours come early to practice meeting for intakes.